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Branding, copywriting, website, social media marketing and support.

We have been working with Joanne – founder of PrismBI for a little while now, kickstarting our journey in helping to establish the brand identity and distill the marketing messages for this dynamic, forward-thinking business that is revolutionising the business intelligence landscape.

We know that effective communication lies at the heart of every successful brand. Through compelling messaging strategies, we've crafted narratives that resonate with PrismBI's target audience, conveying the value proposition with clarity and impact that has then be utilised across introductory brochures and client proposals.

The Blumin team have been working on various strands of the project, including:

  • BrandDig™ workshop
  • Branding
  • Stationery
  • Brand guidelines
  • Design and copywriting for a general proposal & pitch document
  • Website design and build
  • Social media assets
  • Ongoing social media marketing and support


Our creative team did an initial brand dig to understand Joanne's business in detail – as well as her vision and objectives when it came to building brand awareness. We then helped to bring her vision to life to produce comprehensive brand guidelines to ensure consistency and coherence across all touchpoints – and with the input from Joanne, created a logo, stationery, and visual language that represents her services and personal style.

PrismBI Business Cards

“You may have seen me and PrismBI Ltd pop up a bit more recently in your newsfeed with our awesome new website and informative posts about how we can help bring your data to light. I can’t take any of the credit for this and it’s all down to the fabulous work the team at Blumin Limited have done for me, creating the new website and looking after our social media. I’m not a wordy person and struggle putting this all together so having Blumin Limited look after all things marketing for me has helped me use my time to focus on what I’m good at, and that’s data. I can keep focussed knowing that my marketing is taken care of by the people who are great at it. We’re great at data, they’re great at marketing. It’s a perfect relationship."

Joanne Collins, Business Intelligence Consultant, PrismBI

PrismBI Brand Guidelines


We used innovative design principles to bring PrismBI's vision to life digitally with their first website; spotlighting the services on offer to potential clients, and offering intuitive navigation, engaging content, and seamless user experience that will help to drive meaningful enquiries and leads.

PrismBI Website

Ongoing Social Media Marketing & Support

We've also helped to create a content strategy and broadcast schedule as we set up PrismBI's social media channels and continue to foster meaningful engagement and amplify their reach as we manage these channels on an ongoing basis.

PrismBI LinkedIn Mockup
PrismBI LinkedIn Grid

Proposal & Pitch Document

Design and copywriting for a general Proposal & Pitch Document – explaining what PrismBI's services are, their approach, history and background, as well as spotlighting case studies and metrics. The document contained editable sections for PrismBI to use with specific clients who had shown an interest in their services.

PrismBI Proposal Slide 1
PrismBI Proposal Slide 2
PrismBI Proposal Slide 3
PrismBI Proposal Slide 4
PrismBI Proposal Slide 5
PrismBI Proposal Slide 6

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